Creating your own skincare products is an exciting endeavour filled with anticipation and hope, developing your formula from scratch is even more exhilarating. You get to call the shots, deciding exactly what ingredients make the cut and what doesn’t.
It can be disheartening when your efforts don’t yield the desired results. You put in the work, pour your heart into it, and yet, the product falls short of expectations.
The frustration and disappointment that follow are all too familiar. Questions flood your mind. Did I miss a step? Were my ingredients incorrect? Is skincare formulation really my forte?
The emotions; confusion, regret, anger, feeling inadequate. Well, fear not, my friend! We’re here to help you unravel the mystery behind your skincare formula flop. Let’s have a friendly chat and figure out what happened and, more importantly, how to make sure it doesn’t happen again.
Over the next few articles, we’ll break it down into bite-sized pieces and explore the common pitfalls that may have led to your skincare formula’s failure. You’ll gain valuable insights to rectify the situation. and we’ll share with you the best plan to set you on the path to creating successful products everytime.
The first reason why you’re product formula was ineffective is. . .
You did not target a definite skin concern
Yes, you did not create a Sharp Shooter!
A sharp shooter is our nickname for any formula that has a precise function, it targets a specific skin concern, and it hits the concern with a great solution.
We’ve noticed that unskilled formulators tend to create formulas that are not designed right!
They tend to create formulas without a precise target, or a clear line of action.
Worst of all, they create formulas that are based on assumptions!
For example, you find a formula designed to achieve blemish-free skin, yet the formula contains no ingredients that clear blemishes . . . can that type of formula work??
. . .Or they could hear about a new ingredient and “assume” that the ingredient fights blemishes (maybe because an untrained influencer said it), then they load up their formula with an extreme concentration of that ingredient, only to finish and realize that they have caused more harm than good.
Sound familiar?
You see, when formulas aren’t designed right, they do not work when used.
The trick is to always create sharp shooter formulas. .
This makes your formula preferred,
This makes your formula effective,
This makes your formula a hit!
Now that you know the first thing to ensure, we can’t leave you without some helpful tips.
So, Here’s how to create a sharp shooter formula in 3 steps:
- Step 1 – Target a specific skin concern: this could be acne , spots, hyper-pigmentation, anti wrinkle, anything. Try not to target too many skin concerns at a time, so you do not loose efficacy.
- Step 2 – Build up a solid ingredient combination to attack that skin concern: create the right blend of ingredients to do the job as the wrong blend will only be ineffective.
- Step 3 – Design your formula considering major factors: There are major factors that guide our formula choices, once you don’t consider these factors, you end up with an ineffective product, or an unsafe product. Some factors we consider include ; dermal limits, toxicity, solubility, speed, possible production limitations, and much more.
Creating a sharp shooter formula requires in-depth knowledge and industry standard guidance.
. . .but you can achieve this easily, when you sign up for our Diploma in Skincare Product Development Course.
You can become an expert in creating sharp-shooter formulas in as little as three [3] months when you join our Diploma in Skincare Product Development Course.
In this course, we’ll teach you:
- How to target specific skin concerns
- How to build solid ingredient combinations to fix various skin concerns
- How to design effective formulas considering all the factors (there are still a lot of factors that we couldn’t list here)
- We’ll teach you more steps required to help you become an expert sharp shooter formula creator in little time
The choice is yours. .
Would you like to continue making mistakes?
Would you like to keep struggling?
Would you like to keep creating formulas that don’t work right?
. . .Or you’ll rather take the easy way out, get help from us, to become a sharp shooter formula expert in as little time as three [3] months??
If you’d like us to help you, and hold your hand through the process, then sign up for our Diploma in Skincare Product Development Course.
Click here to enroll now